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the quick guide how to get famous in five minutes, how to get somewhere sometimes

You will be able to get famous in five minutes, after watching this instruction. It is as easy as deleting your Facebook account. Just follow a few simple steps and your rank in society will grow bigger than the resolution of your newest Phablet. You feel tired sometimes? You feel uncomfy in big masses? You always have the feeling time’s ahead of you? You can get somewhere sometimes!

20 min | comedy | 2015 | german, english

Youki Innovation Award
Winner FiSH Silver
Honorable Mention Film Fest Schleswig-Holstein

Festival Tous Courts
FiSH Festival Rostock
Platform Tübingen
Open Eyes Marburg
International experimental Film Festival Bogota
Rec. Festival Berlin
Kontanz Short Film Days
Youki Film Festival
Blackbird Filmfestival – NY
Ozark Shorts
Grand IndieWise Convention – Miami
Student Art Festival – Florida

Odine Johne, Svenja Liesau, Gedeon Burkhard, Moritz Vetter, Christian Kämpfer, Rainer Langhans, Dennis Stormer, Michael Epp, Harald Geil, Matisek Brokhues, Marius Borghoff, Yvonne Ruprecht, Michael Stoerzer, Helmut Krauss, Daniel Fuchs

Produced by Dennis Stormer & Tobias Hollmann
Written by Dennis Stormer
Directed by Dennis Stormer & Rike Hoppe
Director of Photography: Daniel Fuchs
Sound: Moritz Vetter

Commissioned by the Filmwerkstatt Kiel & FFHSH